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Biographical Info
I am a Teacher at a small Christian Pre-through-Middle School. I have worked as a Children's pastor, a performing arts teacher, an early education teacher, and a camp counselor. I write plays, musicals, and curriculum. I lead a chapel for my students every week. I have loved Jesus my whole life. Desperately. Only, now that I am in my 50's, and after working through a lot of painful de and reconstruction (which will never, I now realize, end) my Jesus no longer resembles the Jesus of the evangelicals. I would love to venture further into the theological unknowns with likeminded comrades. I would love to consider with others how we might equip children with the security of a relationship with the God of the Universe, without attempting to pin God in, or dictate the outcome of their understanding and relationship with Them. I hope I've come to the right place!
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