Anne Pirie
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Biographical Info
I am a layperson in a congregation of the United Church of Canada. I have offered leadership in the local congregation in a variety of roles and on a regional level. I have been engaged in faith formation with children and youth and am a trainer of Godly Play - an approach respectful of children's innate spirituality. I am a parent and a grandparent, and I see myself as a lifelong learner in my faith journey. My congregation recently joined with two other congregations in a unified approach to ministry. This is a challenge and full of possibilities.
I am a professional Social Worker, now retired. I practiced family therapy and am still engaged in a course about Bowen Family Systems Theory. I am a strong proponent of Guaranteed Livable Income and served on a regional church committee supporting this. I am a member of our faith formation group and like to read and learn. I try to follow regular spiritual practices to keep myself grounded.
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