

These are the gates of youth and age These are the gates of now and then These are the gates of memory and desire Pass through them! Step between the worlds, Beyond time, Outside the boundaries of your human life. Pass through them! To dance the spiral, The journey renewal. Here is all that ever was None are forgotten, Nothing fades forever, All that has passed Comes around again, For here, what is remembered lives, What is remembered lives. Starhawk &Lauren Liebling The Pagan Book of Living and Dying

These are the gates of youth and age These are the gates of now and then These are the gates of memory and desire Pass through them! Step between the worlds, Beyond time, Outside the boundaries of your human life. Pass through them! To dance the spiral, The journey renewal. Here is all that ever was None are forgotten, Nothing fades forever, All that has passed Comes around again, For here, what is remembered lives, What is remembered lives. Starhawk &Lauren Liebling The Pagan Book of Living and Dying


Samhain is a pagan religious festival originating from an ancient Celtic spiritual tradition. The word Samhain is pronounced Sow(as in Cow) Inn, and is sometimes written in the Old Scottish Gaelic form as ‘Samhuinn’. It is said that at this special time of Samhain the veil that separates the worlds is at its thinnest. It is a night of wonder and magic. On this night the Cailleach (the Crone) comes to strip the leaves from the trees, to quicken the decay of the flesh of the year, so that it may feed the new life to come. We can also ask Her to take the unwanted aspects of our personal year away, so that these too might be transformed.

Samhain is the third and final harvest in the Wheel of the Year which is based on an agricultural cycle. It is the “blood harvest” when with the impending winter, many of the animals were slaughtered to provide food during the long cold months to come. There was a touch of fear that with the winter, illness may come, and food might run out. Death hangs in the air.

On the darkest night of Samhain our minds ponder our mortality. This old year dies and a new year is born, as the wheel of the year turns round and round. We are changed through the turning.

“Samhain is the threshold to the Season of Death. The fertile fields of summer give way to the bare forests of autumn. As crops slowly die and winter takes over, the cycle of life is once again approaching a renewal.” ― Dacha Avelin

Ancestor Altar

John O'Donohue, in his book on Celtic Spirituality 'Anam Cara' recounts a tale of a Connemara priest who was going to build a car-park outside his church.

There was a ruin nearby which had been vacated for fifty or sixty years. He went to the man whose family had lived there long ago. He asked the man to give him the stones for the foundation. The man refused. The priest asked why and the man said: 'Céard a dhéanfadh anamacha mo mhuinitire ansin?' i.e. What would the souls of my ancestors do then?

The actions of our ancestors have brought us to where we are today, allowing us to be who we are. If for no reason other than that we should honour them. And in the very act of acknowledging our ancestors it helps us to find our place in the world, a sense of belonging within the tribe. Our past and our future.

Samhain is one of the holiest days of the year. Samhain marks the Celtic New Year, the final harvest before Earth truly descents into winter, darkness, and death. At this closing, ancient Celts (and modern Pagans) believe the boundaries between the living world and spirit realm are thinnest and our ancestors may walk among us or communicate with us more easily than any other time of year.

The tradition of dressing up and wearing costumes comes from pagan practices of dressing as animals or ancestors to communicate with them and invoke their wisdom during this sacred time. Mexicans paint skulls on their faces to honor and invoke their dead loved ones during Dia de los Muertes. Christians honor their saints and celebrate All Saints Day.

"Spirits! Beloved spirits! Loved ones who have gone before!

Parted from us! Yet still with us! Connect to us—forever more!

Though our soul lives many lifetimes—yet the bond of love endures!

For the veil could never dim the light of a soul as bright as yours!

Spirits! Beloved spirits! Loved ones who have gone before!

Parted from us! Yet still with us! Connected to us—forever more!

Beloved ancestors, we pray that our offerings have found pleasure in your eyes, and that you will keep us always in our hearts, even as we keep you in ours. We think of you always and honor our connection to you throughout the year, but at this time of year we are all the more aware of you and all the more anxious to thank you for your contributions to our lives. Dearest ancestors, may the blessing be upon you! So mote it be!"

All: "So mote it be!"


Tonight is the first of three nights, on which we celebrate Samhain. It is the end of the harvest, the last days of summer, and the cold nights wait on the other side for us. The bounty of our labor, the abundance of the harvest, the success of the hunt, all lies before us. We thank the earth for all it has given us this season, and yet we look forward to winter, a time of sacred darkness.


“I feel the nights stretching away thousands long behind the days till they reach the darkness where all of me is ancestor.” ― Annie Finch

Dumb Supper

The tradition of “dumb supper” began during this time, in which food was consumed by celebrants but only after inviting ancestors to join in, giving the families a chance to interact with the spirits until they left following dinner.

A special place is set for whoever might show up.

A traditional treat you can make for your dumb supper are soul cakes. There are a variety of recipes but here are a few simple ones you can try for yourself:

Quickie Shortbread Soul Cakes

1 stick of butter, softened
4 TBSP sugar
1 1/2 cups flour

Cream together the butter and sugar. Use a flour sifter to add the flour to the bowl, and mix until smooth. Divide the dough into two parts, and shape each half into a flat circle about half an inch thick. Put them on an ungreased baking sheet and poke lines with the tines of a fork, making eight seperate wedges in each cake. Bake for 25 minutes or until light brown at 350 degrees.

Buttery Soul Cakes2 sticks of butter, softened
3 1/2 cups flour, sifted
1 cup of sugar
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 tsp. saffron
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. allspice
2 eggs
2 tsp. malt vinegar
Powdered sugar

Cut the butter into the flour with a large fork. Mix in the sugar, nutmeg, saffron, cinnamon and allspice. Lightly beat eggs, and add to flour mixture. Add malt vinegar. Mix until you have a stiff dough. Knead for a while then roll out until 1/4" thick. Use a floured glass to cut out 3 circles. Place on greased baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees. Sprinkle with powdered sugar while cakes are still warm.

Irish Soul Cakes
4 cups of flour
1 packet active dry yeast
1 cup of milk
2 TBSP butter
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. salt
3/4 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of lemon zest
1 1/4 cups of golden raisins

Cream yeast with 1 tsp. sugar and 1 tsp. milk, let it get frothy. Blend flour, spices and salt together, then cut in butter. Add the res of the sugar to the flour mix and blend. Add milk and beaten egg onto yeast mixture; combine with flour mixture. Beat until stiff. Fold in raisins and zest, cover with a damp cloth and let rise. Divide in two, place each half in greased 7" round pan. Cover, let rise again for 30 minutes. Bake 1 hour at 400 degrees.

soulcake 3

Samhain Ritual


Ritual Facilitator:
Gate Keepers:

5 Readers: I am a Pagan

Memorial Ritual Facilitators:Circle singers

Activities Facilitator -
Messages to your Beloved Dead -
Divination Table:
Banishment -
Creating a Spell candle:
Consult the Three Fates:Clotho; Lachesis; Atropos
Drawing the Runes:

“Let us all gather outside the ritual area, for the opening of the gates. Will the Gatekeepers please take their places?”
Gatekeepers cross brooms over the entrace

After all have gathered outside:

These are the gates of youth and age
These are the gates of now and then
These are the gates of memory and desire

Pass through them!
Step between the worlds,
Beyond time,
Outside the boundaries of your human life.

Pass through them!
To dance the spiral,
The journey renewal.

Here is all that ever was
None are forgotten,
Nothing fades forever,
All that has passed
Comes around again,

For here, what is remembered lives,
What is remembered lives. Starhawk &Lauren Liebling The Pagan Book of Living and Dying

Purification: spritze each person as they step through the gate of crossed brooms, and enter the circle. They then place their remembrance item on the ancestor altar, and be seated.
Ritual drumming a simple heartbeat as celebrants take their seats

Casting the Circle: invoking pentagrams

Calling the directions
Elements of East, of Air and of inspiration. You who carry the scents and sounds of the season, we know you are always present, please join in our circle now. Know that our beloved ones gather near and we listen for them on this sacred night.
Air that carries the whisperings of their voices
Be with us tonight. Blessed be!

Elements of South, of Fire and of temperament, we know you always
provide a spark. Please join in our circle now. Know that our beloved ones await your warmth as we watch for them on this sacred night.
Fire that carries their passions
Be with us tonight. Blessed be!

Elements of West, of Water and of peace, we know you are ever flowing amongst us, please join in our circle now. Know that our beloved ones need your gentle current. We long for their loving touch on this sacred night.
Water that flows with their love
Be with us tonight. Blessed be!

Elements of North, of Earth and the ground beneath our feet, we know you are ever sustaining us. Please join in our circle now. Know that our beloved ones will walk, once more, this night, upon you. We look for them on this sacred night.
Earth to which we all return
Be with us tonight. Blessed be!

Spirit, you are our source and our radiance, we know that you are ever guiding us. Please join in our circle now. Know that our beloved ones are waiting at the veil. Let their radiance shine on this sacred night.
Spirit who fills us with light
Be with us tonight. Blessed Be!

The circle is cast, we are between the worlds

Calling the Sky Father:
Sky Father, Wise Father, Wine Father,
Sun Father, Sap Father, Song Father!
Lord of forest, field and beast,
Lord of harvest, hunt and feast,
King of heaven's golden fire
Dancer of the soul's desire,
Master of the drum and flute,
Keeper of the vineyard's fruit,
Shine on us and warm our souls –
Teach us how to make us whole!
People, we can feel Him near!
He is coming! He is here!

Calling the Earth Mother:
Earth Mother, Birth Mother, Birch Mother,
Sea Mother, Stone Mother, Star Mother!
Queen of night and death and birth,
Womb of deep and fertile earth,
Dame of heaven's silver wheel,
Lady of the greening field,
Keeper of the apple grove,
Mistress of the arts of love,
Shine out in the fearsome dark –
Teach us how to strike the spark.
People, we can feel Her near!
She is coming! She is here!

Chant: All
As the darkness now draws near
See the cycle of the year
As the light now goes within
Let the Hallows dance begin
Our circle is cast, we are between the worlds.
The lights are dimmed, but not put completely out.

Closing the cauldron:
The year is at end
The fire burns low in the cauldron of being.
As darkness gathers around it, we gather also.
We honor this year in all its aspects,
And as it slips away to rejoin infinity,
Time pauses
And we are between the worlds,
Where the quick and the dead are together

Ancestor altar: Explanation of the ancestor altar:
Will you all please face the Ancestor altar. Each year we set up this altar on which we place pictures or mementos of those who have passed beyond the veil.

Poem: Samhaintide:

This is the time when the veil is thin
Do you wish to visit the other side?
And if not enter, at least peek in
To see beyond that sheer divide?

So many questions, so little time
Samhain comes but once a year
At the sound of the midnight chime
Are spirits really drawing near?

Part the veil and bid them come
And silently they will appear
For just this night they hurry home
For just tonight their way is clear

So now we raise a sacred shrine
To honor those whom we hold dear,
Put out the cakes and pour the wine
To welcome them and bid good cheer

Loved ones welcome, gather near
Your table is set in readiness
Honor us by your presence here
Our sacred rites to bless

And once the holy time is o’er
You must return from whence you came
Passing through that veiled door
To wait for Samhain yet again

Memorial Ritual: Light candles

Speak the names of your beloved dead into the circle

Poem: Upon Each Samhain:
I miss you most upon each Samhain
When the boundary turns to sheer
I wait until the veil is parted
At the ending of the year
Sweet spirit as you walk among us
At the tolling of the eve
I see your face beyond the sunset
And hear your voice upon the breeze

In the glowing of the candle,
From the shadow on the wall
I watch for you in every movement
And hear your footsteps in the hall.
Can you sit and spend the evening
As the portal opens wide?
Ancestral dead, I bid you welcome,
Most recent dead, I pray, abide.

When you come I sense your presence
I put my hand out in the air
A moment, then, we stand united
Palm to palm while waiting there.
I miss you most upon each Samhain
When the boundary turns to sheer
We share these hours until the dawning
Then bid farewell until next year.
1988, David O. Norris,“Upon Each Samhain”

Body of the ritual:

Take gold cord from the ancestor altar and call the facilitators to the Main Altar.

pass the cord around the circle

We gather here to call, at this Samhain-tide, our dear friends who have passed beyond the veil. Tonight the knot is tied and then left free to symbolize our beloved dead and ancestor's place in the circle.

Facilitators- Circle Singers: “Return Again” (Sing 3 times)
Return again, return again, return to the land of your soul
Return again, return again, return to the land of your soul
Return to who you are
Return to what you are,
Return to where you are
Born and reborn again
Return again, return again, return to the land of your soul

All Celebrants
The moon changes and ever repeats Her phases
The tides ebb and flow. Life departs one season to the next

The cord is gathered in and folded. Cord is carried to the Ancestor altar.

Antiphonal Reading - Facilitators and Celebrants
Fac. In the rising of the sun and in its going down
Celeb. We remember them
Fac. In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter
Celeb. We remember them
Fac. In the opening of buds and in the rebirth of Spring
Celeb. We remember them
Fac. In the rustling of of leaves and in the beauty of autumn
Celeb .We remember them
Fac. In the beginning of the year and when it ends,
Celeb. We remember them
Fac. When we are weary and in need of strength
Celeb. We remember them
Fac. When we have joys we yearn to share
All. We remember them. So long as we live, they too shall live, for they are now a part of us as we remember them

Song: “Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again” written by Andrew Lloyd Webber

Please be seated to receive information about the Activity Period for your personal work.
ACTIVITY PERIOD Tingshas sound: - Introduction
Because you wouldn’t want to go off into the Dark Time without all the tools available for finding your way, and because it is wise to look for input from the wise ones who have gone before, it is now time to gather knowledge for the path ahead

At this time a selection of meditative and divinatory activities are available. Enough time will be given you to visit them all, in any order you wish. Sit for a moment to hear the list. The tingshas will sound again when it is time to return to the circle.

Messages to the Blessed Dead
Often, the hardest thing for us to deal with when a loved one has passed away, especially if the parting has been sudden, is that we didn’t get to say goodbye or to explain something that was important in our relationship—an abrupt severing of communication that leaves us with a sense of incompleteness and intense loneliness.
On this night, when the veil between the worlds is thin, you have an opportunity to say these final words. At some time, during the activity period, go to the Ancestor Altar, write your words on one of the provided papers, and place them in the cauldron right there on the altar. They will be burned in the cauldron at the close of the ritual. At this time,light a candle on the silver tray to honor your loved ones.

Divination Table:
At this table there is an assortment of divination oracles for you to consult. Just remember, they are not toys. Approach them with respect, and they will serve you well. You will find the table through the curtain in the Hall of Shadows. Please note that the Tarot is only one of several divination tools you may wish to explore.

Divination card decks, Ogham sticks, Tarot decks, Crone Stones, Gemstone oracle, and others to be placed on a table with chairs placed around it for people to sit and work with the divination tools. Do one card Tarot readings and facilitator to answer any questions.

Consult the Three Fates
Clotho: Lachesis: Atropos:

We are the three Fates: Clotho, the spinner, who spins the thread of life; Lachesis, the measurer, who choses one’s lot in life , and measures off how long it is to be; and Atropos, she who cannot be turned, who with her shears cuts the thread of life.

The thread that you receive is the thread of your life woven during the past year. It belongs solely to you, and only you can know the shades of its meaning. When you wish, come to the three fates and receive the thread of your year. You will also choose a bead to put on your thread to symbolize your harvest - what you have accomplished this year.
Bead is placed on thread which then is tied around the wrist of the celebrant.
Banishment: Starts papers and pencils around the circle)
I invite everyone to sit quietly for a little while and think of what you would like to banish from your life, along with the passing of the old year.

When you are ready, write a word or brief phrase about what you wish to banish, then twist it several times. Take it to the cauldron on the hearth, light it in the candle and place it in the cauldron to burn.

Creating a spell Candle:
Choose a candle of the appropriate color from the cauldron. Hold it for a moment to put the energy of your intention into it, then inscribe the
appropriate sign, rune or word to help it manifest your intent. Take it home and burn it on your altar to help bring into being that for which you are
asking. It is best to only create candles for positive results. Remember the Law of Three: That whatever energy you put out into the world, be it
positive or negative, will be returned to you three times three.

Drawing of the Runes:
From the Crone you will receive a drawing of the rune you select, and a short explanation of its meaning. Take the drawing of your rune, hold it close to you. Listen to the rune, look upon it, let it help you craft your path through this comforting time of the Sacred Darkness.

Light candle, invokes, and places on altar
Lady of Shadows,
Open my vision to your inner sight.
Vast is the time and vast is the way,
Guide me in passage, to you, I pray.

Hold up your torch,
Dark Goddess of the Underworld,
that your Light may shine the way
to my rebirth.

HECATE ANSWERS: Lights candle on table — Speaks
I am the darkness that soon will cover the land.
I bring the stillness, the quiet, the pause.
I am the healing, the regeneration, for the Yule dawn to reveal.
I am the Goddess of Death; the Goddess of rebirth
And I am one with you.
In you,
Of you,
Around you,
I am you,
And you are me.
I am here, always, with you.
For you are mine, as I am yours.

Now is the time to seek your path
I await you; the runes await
To answer the unspoken question of your heart.
Come to me. . . Come to me

Ting-shas will sound to end activity period and signal to return to the circle

Burning the messages to our beloved dead:
Facilitators take the written messages to the beloved dead to the cauldron and burn them as the circle chants

Our words consigned unto the flame
To each loved one, name by name
By the law of three times three
As we will it, so mote it be!
As we will it , so mote it be
As we will it , so mote it be

Circle Singers: “Return Again” (Sing 3 times)
Return again, return again, return to the land of your soul
Return again, return again, return to the land of your soul
Return to who you are
Return to what you are,
Return to where you are
Born and reborn again
Return again, return again, return to the land of your soul

Opening the cauldron:

And now time opens
The New Year sparks into existence
Out of the Cauldron of Being
We greet it and all it brings to us and to those with whom we share existence
We bring it forth, It brings us forth,
And we give thanks to the spirits we have honored here tonight. BLESSED BE

Lights are turned off as cauldron is lighted
Drumming while the cauldron burns out:
A moment of silence, then speakers begin — each from a different direction

Renewal of our Pagan Faith: I Am a Pagan
I am a Pagan. I am a part of the whole of Nature.
The rocks, the animals, the plants, the elements are my relatives.
Other humans are my sisters and brothers, whatever their races, colors, ages, nationalities, creeds, or sexual preferences.
The earth is my Mother and the sky is my Father.
The sun and moon are my Grandparents, and the stars my ancestors.
I am part of this large family of Nature, not the master of it.
I have my own special part to play and I seek to play that part to the best of my ability.
I seek to live in harmony with others in the family of Nature, treating others with respect, not abuse...

I am a Pagan. I pay attention to the seasons within myself - of beginnings, growth, fruition, harvest, endings, rest, and beginnings again.
Life is a Circle with many cycles...
I am a Pagan.
I acknowledge that the Divine is everywhere in the energy of life.
I am Animistic. I sense the life force in the oak tree on the hill, in the herbs in the garden, in the birds singing at my window, in the boulders on the hill, in myself, and yes, even in "things" such as my car and computer.
I understand that everything has its physical and non-physical aspects. The physical and spiritual are deeply intertwined, not separate, and one is not better than the other.

I am a Pagan.My worship is one of communion, not groveling.
I share my views with others when I sense it is right, but I do not proselytize - there are many ways, not one way, of spiritual growth.
My holy places are under the open sky ... in the Stone Circle .. in the oak grove .. on the top of the mound ... on the Vision Rock on the high cliff ... in the Garden . .in the fields ... in the Sweat lodge .. by the stream ... by the clear pool of the Sacred Spring ... in the Rainbow Cave .. in the valley.
Yet my worship can be anywhere ... my magic circle is portable.
I can call to the four quarters, to the earth and sky, and to the central spirit point wherever I may be.

I am a Pagan. I journey to the Otherworld in my dreams, my meditations... I fly with my consciousness through time and space.
I return with insights.
I go between the worlds for healing, growth, and transformation.
Psychic perception is a natural, not supernatural, part of my daily life.
I am a Pagan.
I attune myself to the four elements of Nature - Earth, Air, Fire, Water - and to the fifth element, Spirit, which is the force that connects all.
I see these elements as parts of my self - my physical body is my earth, my intellect my air, my will my fire, my emotions my water, and my inner self is my spirit.
I endeavor to keep myself healthy and in balance in all these parts of Self.

I am a Pagan.
I hear the cries of Mother Earth.
I see the pollution of the air, the soil, and the waters.
I see the games being played by nations with the fire of nuclear weapons.
I see spiritual pollution, too - selfishness, hatred, greed for money and power,
I sense these things, but I sense, too, a cleansing, healing energy manifesting on the planet at this time.
I know that I can help bring the planet into greater balance by seeking balance in my own life.
I know that my attitudes and my way of living can make a difference.
I endeavor to be a channel for healing and balance.

All speakers: I am a Pagan.

Lights are turned on
All celebrants:
I am a Pagan.
Blessings to all assembled here
As we begin a bright New Year
Bring to us prosperity, joy and peace
Bring to us the desires of our hearts
And the desire to know in truth the Goddess and God,
Two parts of the creative whole,
The Universal Mystery.

Farewell to the God and Goddess:
Thank you Mother for being here,
Sky Father, always near
We ask your blessing in the coming year
You taught us how to strike the spark,
To travel safely through the dark,
To welcome all the New Year brings.
Thank you both for everything. Blessed Be

The light of the universe surrounds us
The love of the Goddess unfolds within us
The power of the Goddess flows through us
Wherever we are, the Goddess is, and we are well

All: Blessed Be!

Opening the Circle: All open the circle, widdershins, as we speak.

Spirit: Spirit, thank you for guiding us toward change. Farewell and Blessed Be.

North: Elements of North, of Earth, thank you for supporting us. Farewell and Blessed Be.

West: Elements of West, of water, thank you for moving among us. Farewell and Blessed Be.

South: Elements of South, of Fire, thank you for assisting our vision. Farewell and Blessed Be.

East: Elements of East, of Air, thank you for our understanding. Farewell and Blessed Be.

The Circle is open but never broken

All; Merry Meet, and Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again!

All Sing: (Three times)
The circle is open, Yet unbroken:
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in our hearts
Merry meet, and merry part, and merry, meet again.

Invitation to the feast: Let us join together, in friendship and celebration to partake of the refreshments brought by all!:
Feasting tables are set up
One place is set in honor of the Blessed dead
Food and utensils are placed on the serving table