The Crowning of the Bard
A Bard is a tribal poet-singer skilled in composing and reciting verses on heroes and their deeds. The Bard can work magic with words. A Bard was a type of Druid who kept the stories, history, music and poetry of the people.
The word Eisteddfod means a "sitting". The word may find it's origin in the award of a hand-carved chair that is traditionally given to the best poet or Bard in the Eisteddfod ceremony. The National Eisteddfod of Wales dates back to 1176 when it is said that the first Eisteddfod was held.
An Eisteddfod is a festival or a sharing of poetry and music. It is a celebration and display of creativity and the arts. The Bard is the artist of verse and color.
In both paganism and process thought, creativity is how the world "becomes." Creativity is another way to say, "magic."

Nature Girl: The Bard Poems- Kathleen Reeves
Grandmother Sycamore
ancient crone
extending east
north and south
no longer reaching
for sky
as she did at birth
caressing earth
tired from
weight of years
pulling down
branch arms
into cradles
to hold spirit children
who climb
easily into her lap
I hold her
with ear against bark
and listen
to the wisdom of
243 years
Abandon your house
Leave your car
on the highway doors open wide as wings
into the forest
cast off your name
strip away everything you have learned
your books in the wild
read the grass and the hollyhocks
Shave away layers of belief
religion like dry leaves
forget about God
In favor of rich soil
your hands into earth
Leave there your sparkle rings and gems
give them back even in their corrupted form
yourself with dirt and forget your color
your ancestors
imaginary boarder lines
cloth from your limbs
nude in mind and body
into dark earth
yourself into the roots at the foot of a sycamore and gestate
be born wet and empty into a world of fungi and worms
Wrap in a blanket of forest floor
Climb naked and dirty into tree branches
Sit with her and know her as sister
Gaze up into the canopy
past heads of tree brothers
into the blue eyes
of the universe
Midwife of your rebirth
Song For Pele By Kathleen Reeves
Hawaiian lava field after dark
Come sing a forest
or beach into existence
kiss rocks and touch
me or earth, it is
the same
watch evening rise
with white orb
black hawk wakes me
from forgotten days
into dreams becoming
ballerinas upon the volcano
perhaps flamenco dancers
passionate thumping
their way forward, out
of day fearless
in the night
When trees
of my bones
rise, ache heavy
from flesh I say
come with open eyes
come whirl- winding
stroll my dust
around lava fields
So I can see
how the Koa does
and the honeycreeper is
when you fall
with sunset
lie with me here
under canvas
where we can watch
the lava glow
in the closing of night
and know how morning breaks
Whale Watching
Tiny boat
on the ocean
rises and falls
like the breath
in my chest
the hump
of the gray
whale crests,
curls back deep
into darkness
before she rises
again, a blast
loud, wet, together
we exhale
all that must
be cast out
expel with power
spouts of salt,
water and air
inhale life
tail fluke
slaps the waves
calls to my
ancient soul
sister whale
descends, deeper
I follow
Making Love
I step outside naked
I am touched everywhere
my body awakens
yesterday it rained
my feet rest in the wet grass
I feel air, wind pushing against me
pushing the clouds away
I remain
heat of the sun warms my skin
dries the earth it so recently
a bee lands on my shoulder
I feel the tickle of feet
but resist the urge to brush it away
it leaves soon enough
for the orange poppy
a tiny sun in its own universe
this is nature making love to me
this is what I have forgotten
I forget to notice
but every day
is another chance
to remember
the soil is holy
that I am not separate
from the seasons
I move in a spiral
like the earth
nothing is fixed
I surge forward
yet I come round
again to a new place
somehow different
for what is a spiral
but a circle
with novelty

Rhymes From a Solitary Witch - By Jean Coats
Personal Dedication
By Earth and Air and Fire and Water
Lady know I am your daughter
Let me know and let me see…
Teach your magic ways to me
Through tears of sorrow, joy, and laughter
All my life is yours, hereafter
Personal Dedication II
Lady of the Moon and Sea
Goddess of the Earth and Water
Shine your silver light on me
Your lost, but new found daughter
Long I’ve sought, not knowing what I seek
Moonlight holding me in thrall
Waxing and waning from week to week
I’ve listened to your ancient call
I’d hear it on some moon dark night,
When un-love filled my heart with scorn
When all was ugly in my sight
And I sometimes wished I’d not been born.
Then “Come to me, I call to thee”
Would echo in my soul
But I knew not who summoned me,
Or whither I should go
But now, I know, I’ve found a way
Guided by your ancient song
Within your circle let me stay
Here at last, where I belong
To my heart, the way is clear
Lady, I will follow, free!
Your song, your call is what I hear
Your love and care surrounding me
Wondrous Lady of the Moon,
Magic Mistress of the night
I have found you none too soon
Guide me with your shining light
Personal Dedication III
Lady of the Moon and Heaven
Youthful Maiden, Mother, Crone
I have no need for clan or coven
By your leave, I seek alone
Until my love and skill are proven
I would choose to work as one.
I need to hear no other voice,
You are the one who calls to(teaches)me
Freely, I have made this choice
I am content and solitary
Invocation 2002
My Lady see, the flame burns clear
Your altar all in readiness
Let me feel your presence here
My heart and soul to bless
For within my heart is a secret place
Where no one else but you may go
Where no one else but you may know
The secrets that lie hidden there
Here at my whirlwind life’s quiet center
Lady, I await for you to enter
A Poem for Samhain
This is the time when the veil is thin
Do you wish to visit the other side?
And if not enter, at least peek in
To see beyond that sheer divide?
So many questions, so little time
Samhain comes but once a year
At the sound of the midnight chime
Are spirits really drawing near?
Part the veil and bid them come
And silently they will appear
For just this night they hurry home
For just tonight their way is clear
So now we raise a sacred shrine
To honor those whom we hold dear,
Put out the cakes and pour the wine!
To welcome them and bid good cheer
Loved ones welcome, gather near
Your table is set in readiness
Honor us by your presence here
Our sacred rites to bless
And once the holy time is o’er
You must return from whence you came
Passing through that veiled door
To wait for Samhain yet again
Magic Circle
We gather in a forest glade
Or by the ocean’s surging tide
Beneath a magic oaken shade
Or mountain meadow green and wide
We place our altar on a stone
Candles gleaming in the night
Invoke the Maiden, Mother, Crone
And dance beneath the Moon’s bright light
Then cast the magic circle round
To shelter in its sacred space
We’ll learn of secrets vast, profound
Enfolded by our Lady’s grace
What we do now, was done before
Long ago when time was new
We join those, now, from times of yore
In worship, Lady unto you
Though still sharp, there’s softness in the air
Hawks are soaring, hear their cry
Daffodils are blooming fair
An aching blue fills the sky.
Often there is the hint of rain
The hills are turning green again
Can you feel the turning of the year?
Hush, hush, Ostara’s near.
Dryad Song
A wall of forest looms above
Low and sweet the blackbird sings
A sparkling brook makes melody
Sweet scents the breezes bring
Here calls to me from mighty oak
The horned owl in spotted hood
Glorious-moon shines over me
Shadows shelter in this great wood
Sisters of the trees are we
Sharing in their hallowed lore
Here our ancient Mother speaks
As she did in times before (days of yore)
Song of the Goddess
I am the Three-fold Goddess, boundless eternal
All creation worships me, Primal force maternal
Chaste Goddess of the Moon am I
Lady of all magic spells
The winds exalt my name on high
The morning rose my story tells
Crescent moon upon my brow
My feet rest among the stars
A field am I, untouched by plough
Mysterious, new, unfathomed, far
I am the Mother, fertile, fair
Clothed in wonder of the Earth
All growing things are in my care
I rule the miracle of birth
Lady of the ripened grain,
By me the tides of Earth are ruled
Winter snow and Summer rain,
All seasons are by me controlled
I am the wheel, shadow of the Moon
The darkness of death is my domain
Yet the wonder of birth is also my boon
Hecate and Cerridwen are of my names
Worship me as the Ancient Crone
Seek me in the Moon’s dark hour
At crossroads or standing stone
I control all nature’s secret power
Triple Goddess
Goddess of the Moon and Sea
My names and strengths are manifold
Magic and power pour forth from me
Secrets of wisdom and peace I hold
Eternal Maiden, Mother, Crone
I welcome all who turn to me
Shadow, Crescent and Full Moon
To all my children, blessings be After Scott Cunningham
Credo(Taken from various sources and used as a daily mantra)
I am a witch
I will love and harm none
Will live, die, and live again
I will meet remember and know
And embrace once more
I am a witch
Let this day be filled with hope and cheer
Let only truth and joy and love come near
With blessings given and received
I walk in peace in word and deed