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Hidden Gems Learning Circle

Monday, February 7, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am PST

This learning circle, geared towards participants with some familiarity with process thought but lacking substantial knowledge of the Islamic tradition, will attempt to present the religion of Islam in connection with the core values or “four hopes” of Process & Faith: Whole Persons, Whole Communities, Whole Planet, and Holistic Thinking. Over the course of six sessions, aspects of Islamic spirituality, ritual practice, legal theory, philosophy, and sacred texts will be explored in light of these values, showing how the resources of the Islamic tradition have the potential to build towards these same aims. The course will begin with a general introduction to Islam and conclude with a case study of Muhammad Iqbal, a South Asian Muslim philosopher and poet who is the clearest example of Islamic process-relational thinking in recent times.

A variety of resources will be provided for each session which participants are encouraged to explore at their leisure prior to the discussion. Sessions will begin with a brief presentation on the major topics to be covered, followed by space for questions and open-ended dialogue which to further connect these Islamic intellectual and spiritual resources with process thinking.

To RSVP, click the “Going” button, enter your name and email, and the meeting information will be emailed to you.