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Process Pop-Up: Deconstructing Hell

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm PDT

Would a loving God sentence anyone to eternal torment? Chad Bahl and other open and relational thinkers say no in their new book Deconstructing Hell: Open and Relational Responses to the Doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment. In this online event, we’ll explore why Chad and his fellow authors argue that perhaps no modern church dogma has been more destructive to the mission of Jesus, created more atheists, or generated more religious trauma than that of eternal conscious torment (ECT) for the non-believer.

Chad, a doctoral student of Thomas Jay Oord, will highlight the very good reasons to deconstruct what many see as a harmful doctrine and introduce more constructive and healing approaches to understanding ‘final judgment.’

About the Facilitator

Chad Bahl presenting on Deconstructing Hell for Process & Faith

Chad Bahl is a DThM candidate at Northwind Theological Seminary, where he specializes in the study of Open and Relational Theology. Bahl is the author of God Unbound: An Evangelical Reconsiders Tradition in Search of Truth and the author/editor of Deconstructing Hell: Open and Relational Responses to the Doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment.

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