Hidden Gems Learning Circle: Session 6

This learning circle, geared towards participants with some familiarity with process thought but lacking substantial knowledge of the Islamic tradition, will attempt to present the religion of Islam in connection with the core values or “four hopes” of Process & Faith: Whole Persons, Whole Communities, Whole Planet, and Holistic Thinking.


Process Pop-up: Buddhist Disenchantment & Process Reenchantment

Buddhists have long taught that the spiritual life eventually requires one to become disenchanted with the world while process thinkers have suggested that to overcome our civilizational ills we need to reenchant the world that modernity has disenchanted. Can these views be reconciled?


Readings on Faiths

Readings on Faiths Around the World is a book group that reads and discusses texts that deal with the vast diversity of world faiths, both the largest religious institutions and the less well-known traditions. The only prerequisite needed for this group is a desire to learn more about religious traditions wherever they might be found and whatever size and shape they might have.


Process Pop-up: Process Theology and the Enneagram

This pop-up will provide an opportunity to consider the Enneagram types, to see their relevance to process theology, and to consider how, together, the Enneagram and process theology might help us grow in our potential to help heal a broken world.
