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Group Book Suggestions

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drop any recommendations to the group here 🙂 

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"Beyond Dialogue: Toward a Mutual Transformation of Christianity and Buddhism" by John Cobb is published by Wipf and Stock Publishers, Eugene, OR, 1998.

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"Emptiness and Becoming" by Peter Paul Kakol 
"Nagarjuna's Middle Way: Mulamadhyamakakarika" trans. Siderits & Katsura
"Process and Reality" by A. N. Whitehead

a note on Nagarjuna's MMK: There are a couple of translations and commentaries on the MMK out there, but I highly suggest focusing on the one linked above since in my opinion it is the least biased of all the existing English commentaries because Siderits and Katsura derive much of their own commentary from traditional Indian commentaries and ensure that their own particular philosophical commitments do not get in the way of producing a neutral translation of Nagarjuna's seminal work. We are not guaranteed that with other commentaries. A close second would be Jay Garfield's translation and commentary. 

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"Loving Awakening:
A Practical Guide to Embodied Spirituality and Healing with Metta, IFS, the Imaginal and Community" by Maija Haavisto 2023

This one is less so a scholarly tome but a free and helpful practice-focused work, heavily informed via Buddhism and an online sangha and "written for all beings, which includes disabled, traumatized, neurodivergent and LGBTIQ people, those struggling with their circumstances and those struggling with themselves."
