Please reply to this Topic by introducing yourself and uploading a picture of yourself. Thanks.
Terry Goddard here. I offer book discussions for both Cobb Institute and Process & Faith as most of you know. I also offer lectures on religious topics at a life long learning center in Little Rock. My wife and I volunteer at an elementary school's food pantry every Friday morning. We also enjoy the state parks and rivers in Arkansas and visit 4 to 6 every year (while the weather is good.)
Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well.
I couldn't find the article by Walter Brueggemann about God, violence and recovery but here is a video where he summarises his thoughts on this subject. I'm afraid I have to disagree with his theology but it's fascinating. Here is the link:
I hope you all have a great Christmas!
Peace and joy,
Hi. I'm Charlie Arnett. I'm a retired software developer and live in Dallas, Tx, with my wife Susan. For volunteer work, I teach chair yoga and mindfulness meditation to older adults 3 time a week. I've attended many of Terry's book studies and have just completed the Certificate program. I identify as a progressive Christian and attend a large Methodist church.
Thanks Charles, for launching a post to introduce ourselves.
I am a retired church educator, mostly for Catholic congregations, and six years for a United Methodist church. I am a book hound and would like to pass on stewardship of 60,000 books before I die. Sadly, they are "hidden under a bushel" in storage units. It has been difficult finding hosts to store them, much less sponsors to promote a collection. Here is my experiment to develop local reading culture:
In graduate programs I acquired a taste for Bernard Lonergan SJ (1904-1984) and John Macmurray (1891-1976) And now, John B. Cobb Jr. (1925-2024). Just acquired his 1994 book Lay Theology which speaks to my career priorities.