Hymn For Creation Sunday

Created by Sara Klosterboer
Copyright: This hymn text was written by Sara Klosterboer and is made available through Process & Faith, a program of the Center for Process Studies. Used by permission.

“All-Present, All-Visible, Source of All Life”
TUNE: Immortal Invisible

All-present, all-visible, Source of all life,
Within and around us, through joy and through strife.
Most Sacred, Eternal, You move on the earth,
You beckon and call forth new life and new birth.

Enlivened, extravagant, Sower of seeds,
Abundant, abounding, Your mercy exceeds.
Unhindered, unbridled, you shine forth your grace,
That we may do likewise, revealing Your face.

You care for Creation, O Mother of all,
Great mountains, clear waters, and flowers so small.
The earth is Your temple, for all life to share,
So help us be stewards of healing and care.

Transcendent, uncharted, and still close at hand,
Encompassing people from near and far lands.
Within each new moment, throughout life and death,
Your praises are sung out from all that has breath!