Jeff Wells
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Biographical Info
I am an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church. I have served as lead pastor with the Church of the Village (COTV). COTV is a hybrid online and on-site congregation with a church building in the West Village of Manhattan, NY. With Thomas Jay Oord, Vikki Randall, and Nichole Torbitzky, I co-edited the book, Preaching the Uncontrolling Love of God, a collection sermons, essays, and worship elements from the perspective of open, relational, and process theology. SacraSage Press, April 2024. In 2022, I co-authored a short book with John B. Cobb Jr., Is International Cooperation Possible? A Bold Appeal for a Living Earth (Living Earth Movement, 2022).
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Christianity revolves around the person, teachings, and transformative work of Jesus of Nazareth, affirmed as Christ among us. It is global, diverse, ...
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