Dr. Kevin Pettit serves as a congregational consultant for Faith4All. Kevin is especially concerned with the faithful inclusion of people who, like him, live with invisible disabilities. He felt a call to this service after feeling unwelcome in various faith communities following his 1998 severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Kevin considers significant his accomplishments of being commission as a minister by the Metropolitan Denver Association of the United Church of Christ, attaining a Masters of Arts in Specialized Ministry from the Iliff School of Theology in 2010, working as a physics professor at Carleton College both before and after acquiring his TBI and consequent disabilities, attaining a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana in 1996, and (most especially) raising his son Andrew — an accomplishment of which he is most proud! Dr. Pettit has chosen to understand the reason for his incredible recovery to be so that he can help people living with disabilities by helping institutions learn to better invite, embrace, include, and empower people with disabilities into active faith community life.
Kevin Pettit
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