Ruben Nelson
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Biographical Info
The core thread in my life is this insight: The ways we present ourselves to and apprehend reality determines the reality we experience and our responses to it. The haunting thought that runs through my life and work is this: what if we who are Modern Techno-industrial (MTI) peoples and cultures; we who are confident children of the 1st Enlightenment; we who are convinced that any decent future entails the improvement and extension of "Modernity" are now at risk precisely because we are unreflexively MTI peoples and cultures? What if "Modernity" is exhausted and has become lethal? What if the deep core work of the 21st Century is to disrupt and transcend "Modernity", rather than enhance and extend it? If any of this is the case, then we are in both more and quite different trouble than we now take ourselves to be.
The view I have come to is that we MTI peoples and cultures do not yet have a sound diagnosis of what ails us. Therefore, many (most?) of our present attempts to become "sustainable" while noble, are wrong-headed. My work now, to riff off of Wittgenstein, is to develop a sound enough understanding of the troubling situation and condition in which we now find ourselves to be able to contribute to developing, as Wittgenstein put it, a way “to lead the fly out of the fly-bottle."
I now know that I am a privileged, white, well-educated, brighter-than-most, blessed-more-than-most, old, male. I am an INFJ, an 8 on the Enneagram, and a visual learner. Disruption comes easily. Being gracefully disruptive is harder.
I was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, Canada by strong prairie women; educated at Queen's University, Kingston, Queen's Theological College, Kingston, and United Theological College, Bangalore, India. I have taught at Queen's and the University of Calgary; worked for the Prime Minister and the Government of Canada, and pursued my passion to make reliable sense of our times as a Canadian pioneer of serious futures studies and strategic foresight.
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