Guy Mystic
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Biographical Info
I have a diverse background and refer to myself as a spiritual/philosophical nomad. I grew up in an Anabaptist fundamentalist religious tradition and I never fit in. I transitioned to a Calvinist fundamentalism during my early college years and earned a degree in Biblical Studies.
By the end of that degree, I was married and our joint experiences led us to begin our transition from organized religion. I fully quit after a spontaneous satori experience.
After a few years of traveling the dark night of the soul, I was introduced to the Integral theory of Ken Wilber in 1996. I had since earned a second degree in Human Development (systems theory) and a graduate degree in Healthcare Administration. Integral theory contextualized my spiritual journey and my education up to that point and is still a useful tool at times. Soon after, I began studying and practicing forms of eastern thought and meditation. Sometime in 2009, I was reintroduced to Process and Whitehead by listening to Tripp Fuller, recalling that more than a decade earlier, Wilber used Whitehead in his Integral framework. With a renewed understanding of Process metaphysics, I was able to again re-contextualize my life experiences in an even more meaningful way. The creative and relational approach to reality that Process provides is the best metaphysical framework I have found yet to provide meaning for the phenomenology of my life experiences.
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