Readings on Faiths: Zealot

Current Status
Group ended

A Book Group Exploring the Diversity of Religion

WHAT?Learning Circle
WHEN?March 10 – March 24, 2025
Meets weekly on Mondays
8:30 – 9:30 AM Pacific / 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Eastern
WHERE?Online Via Zoom
WHO?Terry Goddard

Readings on Faiths Around the World is a book group that reads and discusses books covering the vast diversity of world faiths. Of course, the standard seven world religions will be included but we will also explore less well-known religious/spiritual groups including Afro-Caribbean, Bahá’í, Humanist, Jain, Pagan, Zoroastrian, and more. The only prerequisite needed for this group is a desire to learn more about the world’s religious traditions.

Please come to each session having read the assigned section and be prepared to participate in the discussion with the group. Future books to be discussed, and dates will be provided here as the sessions are scheduled.


Version 1.0.0

Our next book for my learning circle is Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, by Reza Aslan. Zealot is one of numerous books that attempt to find the Jesus of history. Aslan analyzes the evidence we have about Jesus – his life and times – to arrive at a thoughtful description of the man Jesus.

Join me for three Mondays in March, beginning the 12th and concluding on the 24th, at 8:30am Pacific Time and 11:30am Eastern Time.

How to Join/Access

To access the Zoom meeting information and learning circle resources you must (1) have an account, (2) be logged in, and (3) be enrolled.

If you don’t have an account, you will need to create one by signing up to become a member of the P&F community. Click here to register now.

Once you have an account and are logged in, return to this page, and click on the Enroll in Group button near the top. You will be then automatically enrolled and sent an email confirmation with additional information.

Previously Read

About the Facilitator

Terry Goddard has a PhD from Chicago Theological Seminary in the history of religion. He is retired professor of history and religion. Terry writes a blog, many of which address Loren Eiseley and his thought as well as religious topics.

How to Join/Access

To access the Zoom meeting information and learning circle resources you must (1) have an account, (2) be logged in, and (3) be enrolled.

If you don’t have an account, you will need to create one by signing up to become a member of the P&F community. Click here to register now.

Once you have an account and are logged in, return to this page, and click on the Enroll in Group button near the top. You will be then automatically enrolled and sent an email confirmation with additional information.