Hidden Gems Learning Circle

This learning circle, geared towards participants with some familiarity with process thought but lacking substantial knowledge of the Islamic tradition, will attempt to present the religion of Islam in connection with the core values or “four hopes” of Process & Faith: Whole Persons, Whole Communities, Whole Planet, and Holistic Thinking.


Hidden Gems Learning Circle: Session 2

This learning circle, geared towards participants with some familiarity with process thought but lacking substantial knowledge of the Islamic tradition, will attempt to present the religion of Islam in connection with the core values or “four hopes” of Process & Faith: Whole Persons, Whole Communities, Whole Planet, and Holistic Thinking.


Spirit and the Movies February 16th

In this eight-week session, we will make use of films and their reviews as springboards for our own soulful reflections.


Process Pop-up: Do Animals Have a Voice in Interfaith Dialogue?

Live Zoom Sessions

Join an intimate discussion with the Process & Faith community on the role of animals in a process theological vision, and how this vision inspires a certain ethics towards non-human beings.


ORTLine 22: International, Online Open and Relational Theology Conference

Live Zoom Sessions

This one-day online zoom conference features authors recently published in the field of open and relational theology. Authors confirmed to date include Sharon Baker Putt, John B. Cobb, Jr., Andrew Davis, Bruce Epperly, Catherine Keller, Matthew Korpman, Rory Randall, John Sanders, Matthew Segal, and Andrew Williams. Titles to be presented and discussed include: Boundless Love, An Open…

Hidden Gems Learning Circle: Session 3

This learning circle, geared towards participants with some familiarity with process thought but lacking substantial knowledge of the Islamic tradition, will attempt to present the religion of Islam in connection with the core values or “four hopes” of Process & Faith: Whole Persons, Whole Communities, Whole Planet, and Holistic Thinking.


Spirit and the Movies February 23rd

In this eight-week session, we will make use of films and their reviews as springboards for our own soulful reflections.


Hidden Gems Learning Circle: Session 4

This learning circle, geared towards participants with some familiarity with process thought but lacking substantial knowledge of the Islamic tradition, will attempt to present the religion of Islam in connection with the core values or “four hopes” of Process & Faith: Whole Persons, Whole Communities, Whole Planet, and Holistic Thinking.


Spirit and the Movies March 2nd

In this eight-week session, we will make use of films and their reviews as springboards for our own soulful reflections.
