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As a multifaith network for relational spirituality, Process & Faith offers educational initiatives, interfaith collaborations, and creates resources for the common good. Below you’ll find our latest transformative courses, learning circles, and training opportunities, as well as events for community engagement and interfaith collaboration.


John Cobb Memorial | February 15 2025

Learning Circles

An Exploration of the Intersection between Zen Buddhism and Process Philosophy

In this conversation series, participants will explore the synergies between Zen Buddhism and Process Philosophy, with a particular emphasis on Taoism as a foundational source for Zen. Topics include inter-becoming, no-self, the web of life, perpetual perishing, the primacy of the present moment, and the contemporary need for ecologically sensitive and socially just human communities.

A Discussion Group About the
Exploring, Sharing, and Practice of Christian Process-Relational Theology

Christian Process Explorations is a discussion group that focuses on the exploring, sharing, and practice of Christian process-relational theology, as relevant to all age groups: children, teenagers, adults, senior citizens, especially focused on applying Christian process-relational theology in local settings and small groups.

Exploring, Sharing, and Practicing Buddhist Process-Relational Thought

In this learning circle we will compare, contrast, explore, and play out resonances between Buddhism and process thought, with a special focus on Nāgārjuna’s Madhyamaka and Whitehead’s philosophy of organism.

A Book Group Exploring the Diversity of Religion

Readings on Faiths Around the World is a book group that reads and discusses books covering the vast diversity of world faiths. Of course, the standard seven world religions will be included but we will also explore less well-known religious/spiritual groups. The only prerequisite needed for this group is a desire to learn more about the world’s religious traditions.

Past Offerings

A 4-Session Book Group Exploring Dune Messiah Through a Process-Relational Lens

Through the intersections of environment, religion, self identity, and government, participants in this learning circle will explore themes of environment, terrain, and traveling through the religious life.

Six Sessions Exploring Universal God Identity In the Biblical Narrative Through the Lenses of Integral Consciousness and Process Theology

In this six-session course, Doug King (founder of Presence International) and Sheri Kling (director of Process & Faith) will guide students through an exploration of integral consciousness and spiral dynamics using integral and process theologies to reveal the message of universal God identity in the Judeo-Christian biblical narrative.

A Discussion Group Exploring Buddhism Through the Lens of Process Thought

This three-week learning circle, facilitated by Jay McDaniel, explores how people might learn from Buddhism with help from process philosophy and theology. The circle is open to anyone who has an interest in Buddhism and process thought.

Critically Considering the Potentiality and Difficulty of Muslim Process Theologies

Reading Muhammad Iqbal’s Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam is a learning circle that provides the opportunity to think more critically about both the potentiality and difficulty of Muslim process theologies, as well as consider what resources Islamic intellectual history may be able to provide to process thinking.